School rules

School rules

We all want to feel comfortable in our school, learn, teach and live together in peace. So that this succeeds, we want to adhere to the rules for dealing with one another.

Golden rules
We treat everyone in our school in a friendly manner.
Everyone in our school can feel safe.
Everyone can learn, work and play without interference.

Rules in dealing with each other:
We follow the instructions of the teachers and all other school staff.
We treat each other in a friendly and respectful manner. We resolve conflicts with words.
We move slowly and quietly in the school building.

Rules before and during class:
I hang my jacket neatly in the cloakroom, put my shoes on the shelf and put on my slippers.
I don't wear a hat, cap or hood in class.
I handle books and work materials carefully.
I leave unnecessary things at home.
I keep my place and class clean.
I don't need a cell phone or a smartwatch at school. If I still have such a device with me, it stays switched off in the knapsack. The school assumes no liability for damage or loss.
I stick to the class rules.
I am jointly responsible for trouble-free lessons.
I listen when others speak.
I'll get in touch and wait for someone to call me.
I take care in class and participate.
I speak and behave politely.
I am considerate of others.
I respect the property of others.
I follow the instructions of my teachers.

Break rules:
All children spend their breaks in the school yard. Unless otherwise agreed with the teacher or it is a rain break.
I am not allowed to leave the school premises without permission from a teacher.
I only play games that don't hurt anyone.
Ball games may only be played on the designated areas.
I give the playground equipment back properly.
If I can't resolve a conflict on my own, I get help from the supervising teacher.
I do not throw objects and snowballs in winter.
The supervised indoor break is intended for rule violations during the break. If the supervisor sends me to the indoor break, I go there directly.

Toilet rules:
The toilet is not a playground.
I keep the toilet bowls, walls, and doors clean.
I only use as much toilet paper as I need.
I always peel it off and then wash my hands.

Rules for sports / swimming lessons and on class trips:
I don't wear jewelry to physical education classes, I tie long hair together.
I quickly put on my sportswear (pants, T-shirt, sneakers / swimwear).
I am only allowed into the equipment room with the permission of the teacher.
I obey the rules of the game and don't hurt anyone.
A whistle means: stop, rest and listen.
I observe the special rules for swimming lessons.
On courses, excursions and school trips, I follow the agreed agreements.

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